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C.D. Leganés is also approaching Generation Z

The C.D. Leganés carried out a special action last December to find out a little more about Generation Z, fans born from 1996 onwards, in their desire to remain connected to their subscribers and new generations of followers.

To do this, and accompanied by the agency OK,Z, a contest was held through the official social networks of the club to select six participants to participate, representing an entire generation, in dynamics of 'focus group' coupled with experiential activities for the fan.

The event was very positive for the attendees who were able to see first hand the facilities, go deeper into the functioning of the entity, and play with the professional eSports players of the C.D.Leganés. And it was also a successful experience for the Club that could draw constructive conclusions to apply, related to the way it has to relate to its fans.

Little by little the Club will continue working on improving its listening and communication channels and relationship with all its subscribers and types of fans through new projects.