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C.D Leganés 'B' wins against Atlético Pinto (1-2) to continue as leaders

C.D Leganés 'B' has summed their fourth consecutive win of the season after winning against Atlético Pinto (1-2) at Amelia del Castillo for the fourth matchday of Third Division’s Group 7B.

The first half was even for both teams even though the pepineros were close to score on two occasions after crosses by Mario. Piti’s shot was the only chance for the locals on the first half.

Carlos Martínez’ team had to struggle on second half after Tahif was sent off because of two yellow cards. The pepineros had to play almost 45 minutes with ten players but continued looking for the goal.

At the 52nd minute, the referee called a penalty for C.D Leganés 'B' after a corner kick that hit a rival hand. Diego García scored the penalty, his third goal of the season.

Unfortunately, the Captain Iván López suffered a hard injury on the 57th but the team managed to overcome the emotional blow and Álex scored the second goal on the 75th. Borja Lázaro shortened the win two minutes later but a great effort from the team allowed to close the match without more goals.

It was a big win for the white and blues. A great balance of 12 points on the first four matches let the pepineros to be at the top of the table. Next match will be against A.D Parla.